Cyber Security Analyst. Associate of ISC2, CCNA, Security+.

I’m passionate about learning, about automation, about scripting, about networks and how to defend them, about commercial aviation, about photography, about endpoint protection, but most importantly, passionate about contributing and being a great team member.

This site is going to be based around my personal research projects and experiments. My initial focus will be on one of the single most fascinating techniques used for data exfiltration: tunneling. Tunneling is essentially using one protocol to hide what you are actually doing with a different protocol. I’m fascinated by this technique, and will be condutcing my own experiments tunneling through the firewalls in my home lab, examining the results in log data and packet captures, and attempting to harden systems to prevent this. I’m an open source entusiast, and who knows, I may even be able to release some of my own tools in the near future. Stay tuned for some exciting projects.

